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제목 Almost 260 harmonised standards provide presumption of conformit
작성자 관리자
글정보 Hit : 4548, Date : 2014/09/11 00:00

The use of harmonised standards is optional but has the advantage of giving a 'presumption of conformity' with the essential requirements corresponding to its scope.

The harmonised standards, the references of which were published in the Official Journal C 321 on 23 October 2012, provide solutions for compliance and confer a presumption of conformity with the relevant essential requirements of the RTTE directive 1999/5/EC.

The application of harmonised standards that give a presumption of conformity remains voluntary and manufacturers may thus go for any other technical solution. If a manufacturer chooses not to follow a harmonised standard, he has the obligation to prove that his apparatus is in conformity with the essential requirements by other means and to provide a full technical justification.

More information on the RTTE directive

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