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제목 Protecting Europe’s industry and consumers from organised crime
작성자 관리자
글정보 Hit : 4550, Date : 2014/09/11 00:00

During a 'Traceability versus counterfeiting' workshop in Brussels, several European companies will present their technologies and show how they can contribute to the battle against fake goods, through the use of magnetic ink, holograms, radio-frequency identification (known as RFID) and smartphone applications.

The main purpose of the workshop is to identify, define and promote the use of authentication, marking and tracking solutions which are reliable and affordable to consumers, manufacturers and market surveillance authorities.

The workshop builds upon and complements the on-going 'EUstopfakes' campaign. The campaign aims to raise consumers’ awareness of the risks to safety and health, as well as to promote enhanced cooperation between the Commission, Member States and stakeholders to stop the production and marketing of fake goods

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