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제목 Commission asks Germany to fully implement EU toy legislation
작성자 관리자
글정보 Hit : 4953, Date : 2014/11/14 00:00

The protection of children is a key concern. This is why European toy safety rules are among the strictest in the world. However, Germany is currently not applying agreed EU rules on limit values for levels of arsenic, mercury and antimony in toys.

The Commission has therefore requested Germany to urgently update its laws to comply with EU toy legislation. Germany does not want to enact the EU laws on limits for certain substances in toys as it claims that they give less protection than the current German laws.

However the Commission considers that EU's Toy Safety Directive offers better protection as it is based on the latest scientific developments and incorporates a modern and coherent approach to manage the chemical risks to which children could be exposed through toys.

In a ruling in May 2014 the General Court of the EU agreed with the Commission's approach but to date Germany has still not brought its rules into line with EU law in this area. The Commission has therefore issued a reasoned opinion asking Germany to change its laws. If the relevant German legislation is not brought into compliance with the Toy Safety Directive within two months, the Commission may refer the matter to the EU Court of Justice.

More information on toys

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